Extensive Provider of Logistics Solutions in Over 400 Cities Around the Globe
22 CountriesGPI Group and NISSIN have formed an alliance to simplify international logistics on various continents by having 12 offices in Asia, 7 offices in Europe, and 3 offices in America, contributing to the facilitation of global trade to further progress.
Unique Logistics International
68 CountriesGPI Group and UNIQUE have had a long-term partnership in international logistics since 2008, operating an extensive global branch network with 25 offices in Asia, 22 offices in Europe, 18 offices in America, and 2 offices each in Africa and Australia.
Integrated Service Solutions
29 CountriesGPI Group and ISS collaborate in the field of international logistics by having various branch offices in various parts of the world, namely 16 offices in Asia, 8 offices in Africa and 5 offices in Europe, thereby increasing the dynamics of global trade to a large extent.
Cohesion Freight (Hongkong Based)
50 CountriesWe specialiez in a wide arrays, including airfreight, sea, warehouse, and project logistics with extensive global network that facilitate seamless business accros the world.